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We created a custom web app just for you! Now you can create and save custom products to your account. You can make your orders accurately with ease, and save your library of images. Try it today!

Scanning Your Artwork - Free Guide

We set up an art scanning studio that is portable, affordable, and easy to use (once you learn a thing or two).

In this free guide, you will learn how to:

  1. Light your artwork properly
  2. Use a phone camera or a DSLR
  3. Calibrate your computer screen for accurate colours
  4. Use colour correction software.

We built you three different set ups for different budget levels: BASIC, BETTER and AFFORDABLE PRO. We also did all the shopping for you to find equipment that will make great scans for the lowest cost.

Not only can you scan your own art, but once you have your own studio, you can consider hiring yourself out to help others too!

Print Sales 101 - Free Guide

Our compact guide is designed to help artists navigate the world of creating and selling art prints. We packed it with practical advice, useful charts, and insightful tips to help you make informed decisions about creating and selling prints.

Grab your copy today and discover how offering prints can transform your art business and bring your creations to a wider audience!


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